


时间:2021-12-18 10:52:35 英语作文





  Finally look forward to the summer vacation, today brother took me to the roller skating.

上海千花论坛  After a while, we came to the phoenix mountain park. At this time of the park, people mountain people sea. Neon colours. Brother on the skateboard sliding forward to rapidly. I also can't wait to put on roller skates, holding a tree stumbling stood up, can not stand, had a fall. I stood up again, carefully moving forward, afraid of accidentally will fall. Despite this carefully, feet or not to work, with shaking legs. I'm standing instability and fell to the ground. Thought: how I this seemingly simple skating so difficult

上海千花论坛  Sitting on a bench in the park, I depressed sum up the experience of several falls. If he is, as far as possible let the body bow forward, feet apart with eight, hand to swing naturally, as far as possible make the roller skates and ground contact, center of gravity concentration on my feet... Thought of here I stand up again, according to summarize the experience of began to cross it. Curiously, the speed was much faster than the original. When I can draw up well when I take fast, glad heart than eating the honey still sweet. When I get carried away pounce, but fell down his face, it's sorrow! After a few wrestling, I finally mastered the essentials of roller skating.

  Now my roller skating technology, has reached the sliding fast nor the degree of wrestling. I not only learned how to roller skating, to better understand the "everything comes to him who waits" the words of truth.

上海千花论坛  终于盼到了暑假,今天哥哥带我去滑旱冰。

上海千花论坛  不一会儿,我们来到了凤凰山公园。这时的公园,人山人海。五光十色的霓虹灯交相辉映。哥哥登上滑板急速的向前滑去。我也迫不及待的穿上旱冰鞋,扶着一棵树跌跌撞撞的站了起来,可还没站稳,就摔了个四脚朝天。我重新站起来,小心翼翼的向前挪动,生怕一不小心会摔倒。尽管这样小心,脚还是不听使唤,腿跟着摇晃。我站不稳又摔倒在地。心想:看似简单的滑冰怎么我这就这么难呢?

上海千花论坛  我垂头丧气的坐在公园的'长椅上,自己总结这几次摔倒的经验。如果快要摔倒的时候,尽量让身体向前弓着,双脚叉开呈倒八字,手要自然摆动,尽量让旱冰鞋和地面接触,重心集中在脚上……想到这里我又站起来,按照自己总结的经验开始划了起来。说来也怪,速度竟比原来快了许多。当我能顺利的划起来时我划得飞快,心中高兴的比吃了蜜还甜。正当我得意忘形一跃而起时,却摔了嘴啃泥,真是乐极生悲呀!经过几次摔跤,我终于掌握了滑旱冰的要领。

上海千花论坛  现在我的滑旱冰技术,已经达到了滑得飞快也不摔跤的程度了。我不光学会了滑旱冰,更明白了“功夫不负有心人“这句话的道理。


  One's life to learn many things. , for example, I learned to speak first and then learned to crawl, then learned to walk, and finally learned to read. From now on I will learn a lot of...

  Winter vacation this year I learned a sport - skating. Into the ice rink, I saw many people in the skating, men, women and children. Some sliding fast, like a gust of wind blowing; Some just can walk on the ice, but goes too fast and smooth; With a slip and you wrestling, almost won't slippery. Saw this scene, I can't wait to come forward to slip up. Don't slip up not only, still have a fall. Coach saw, hurriedly lifted me up, and seriously said: "although the skating is simple, but can't rush! And I have a small way, tell you later. You first put on skates, and then..." Words haven't say that finish, just listen to "flop" 1, and I fell down. Coach a laugh, and the word, you pull me up. Although at that time, my in the mind very nervous and afraid, because I'm afraid of wrestling, but I used my old way - persistence. Try for a few days, I found no effect, I said to myself: "the original effect is quite good of, how no matter now?" The coach seemed to see through my mind, said: "you should behavior brain skating, this is what I want to tell you a small way." I listened to the coach said these words, just as the coach said indeed as expected results to my surprise, a few days learned to skate.

  Through learn to ski, I understand a truth: learning method and main point, anything need to learn the knowledge accumulation, master the methods and flexible.

上海千花论坛  人的一生中要学会许多东西。比如说我先学会了说话,然后学会了爬行,接着学会了走路,最后学会了识字。从今以后我还会学会许许多多的……











